Our Video 101 tip sheet is here!
Sunday’s Academy Awards had a few Resource Medians shouting at their TV like it was the Super Bowl. It was indeed the Super Bowl of film. A few of us thought Natalie Portman should have received the Oscar for Best Actress. And some of us felt “Moonlight” should have clinched Best Picture…and then, it did. After debating “what just happened?!” the one thing we all agreed on is that the desire to be entertained and informed by film and video has a long and rich history, thanks to Hollywood, Bollywood, and our human curiosity to peer through windows into other people’s lives.
That desire to watch moving pictures has only grown over time, thanks to that little video screen you carry around in your pocket—the smart phone. The itch to watch Facebook videos on the bus is actually rooted in a larger underlying instinct, fostered through the millennia of human evolution. We are a visual species.
While consumers’ expectations to be entertained and informed through well-produced, artistic and targeted videos has increased, many nonprofits are struggling to meet this demand, due to smaller budgets and staff and resource constraints. As a result, more people are likely to see the latest Geico ad than a clip on your cause.
But, nonprofits do have an edge: opportunities for good storytelling are all around us. And, our dedicated social media communities, combined with the power of video distribution technology, makes for a turbo-powered, expedited storytelling tool, allowing you to reach your audience directly, no need to pitch a Hollywood producer for you to get the green light for your short film.
While understanding how to effectively implement technology is important to video storytelling, equally important is creating a compelling story and understanding the steps involved in making a quality video with a strong message.
With this in mind, Resource Media has produced a new beginner video storytelling tip sheet now in our online Toolbox. The tip sheet covers the basics of content strategy, production and distribution to help you make a video that is good to the last second.
Lights, camera, action!
— Liz Banse, Sian Wu and Marcela Gara