Introducing a New Voice: California Infill Builders Association

July 31, 2012

Growth and development have long been polarizing issues in the Golden State. For decades, land use policy debates have been stuck in a tug-of-war between developers, who favored most growth on principle, and conservationists who opposed most growth on principle. That clash provided little guidance to policymakers facing the reality of a growing population – and often resulted in sprawl and other bad outcomes for people and the environment. The old model also provided little room to contemplate a commonsense truth: that some types of growth use fewer resources, result in less traffic and promote better communities than others.

In 2010, Resource Media began working with a collection of builders from across the state who specialize in city-centered housing and commercial projects to help them change the nature of development debates in support of better outcomes. They formed a new statewide advocacy group, the California Infill Builders Association, to promote the business of infill and land use policies with better outcomes for people.



The California Infill Builders Association is here to stay. Through it, builders are putting forward fresh ideas to address California’s growth challenges in ways that benefit people and the environment.  The Association’s impact is being felt in the Capitol and around the state. With a new credible voice for wise, city-centered growth on the scene, California is better equipped to prepare for its future and tackle big challenges.