Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation

Building statewide support for water fluoridation


Resource Media brought a very strategic lens to the work we did with them on our statewide community water fluoridation initiative. They asked important questions, thoughtfully challenged status quo assumptions (such as the flawed assumption that on fluoridation you need to bust myths), and ultimately developed strategic communications assets that skillfully positioned fluoridation for the public, stakeholders and other key audiences in Colorado. I would highly recommend the Resource Media team.
Wyatt Hornsby, Delta Dental Foundation of Colorado
Campaign Director
The Situation

Public health advocates in places like Colorado have been trying to build support for community water fluoridation as a critical public health benefit—and to counter opposition that uses bad evidence and misinformation to erode public support. In 2016 there was an opportunity to build a strong coalition of community advocates to build trust and showcase fluoridation as one of the most effective ways to reduce chronic tooth decay, especially among underserved communities.

Our Role

Resource Media led the communications strategy and creative development for a statewide campaign to build public support for community water fluoridation in Colorado. We interviewed a spectrum of stakeholders including public health agencies, water providers, child welfare groups, and community-based organizations that serve Latino and African American residents. We developed a strategy of anchoring messages in local values and centering the campaign on the fact that the public health benefits of fluoride were discovered in the mountain water in Colorado, thus tapping local pride and simultaneously defusing arguments that try to portray fluoride as an artificial additive.

The Impact

We developed and launched a website that focuses on people rather than facts and statistics, and crafted and deployed messages that partners and advocates can use to build local support of fluoridation. Resource Media conducted also two trainings of advocates to help them use stronger messaging and coached them on how to effectively counter misinformation and peddlers of bogus science.