Learn about La Madre Tierra and register for our Virtual Convening

July 3, 2024

La Madre Tierra virtual convening

Watching the Supreme Court overturn Chevron, criminalize homelessness, and otherwise strip away hard-fought legal protections, it feels more important than ever to connect, learn together, and share winning strategies to protect our communities. That’s why we’re excited to invite you to the first-ever La Madre Tierra (LMT) virtual convening — a free event bringing together Indigenous and Latine leaders, climate-justice advocates, and allies to surface collective solutions to the most pressing problems that our communities are facing.

La Madre Tierra is a project by Resource Media offering an online hub that wields Indigenous and Latine community power for equitable access to tech, data, and capacity building. Join us to learn more and to get involved.

WHAT: La Madre Tierra Virtual Convening

WHEN: Tuesday, July 23 @ 9am – 2pm PDT / 11am CDT – 4pm CDT / 12pm EDT – 5pm EDT

WHO: If you’re a campaign manager, digital organizer, campaign strategist, or someone that engages Indigenous and/or Latine audiences online on climate, pollution, and other intersectional issues, then this event is for you!

WHY: La Madre Tierra online hub will present the latest communications research on what resonates with Indigenous and Latine communities, share skills on the use of online data and narrative practices to power up campaigning strategy, and connect us with one another as we prepare to face a critical year in the national political landscape.

The LMT virtual convening will bring together leaders driving campaigns on climate, environmental justice, and intersecting social-justice issues to surface collective solutions to the most pressing problems that our communities are facing — from disinformation to challenges in public narratives, to resources not fully reaching important organizing work on the ground, and more.

To register, visit: https://bit.ly/4e9PvnW. For more information about La Madre Tierra online hub, visit: www.LaMadreTierra.org  

We hope to see you there!