While the San Francisco Bay Area has very different land use challenges from rural Montana, the values that influence decision-making are similar. The question for voters, policymakers and landowners is always, “what kind of future do I want for my community?” While the specifics may vary from neighbor to neighbor, most people agree on the importance of abundant clean water, thriving local businesses, access to nature, healthy wildlife and livable neighborhoods. Resource Media and partners work to leverage this common ground to promote responsible land use and agriculture policies and practices. From Backcountry Hunters and Anglers to farmers in Washington’s Walla Walla Valley, we are helping local groups conserve the places they live and love. And from The Wilderness Society to the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, we are helping to leverage strategic communications to support responsible federal policies.
John Lamson • Amy Frykman • Julie Dixon • Ben Long • Mark Glyde • Brendan McLaughlin
Burning Up Our Food Supply >
Food or Fuel (PDF) >