The launch of the Standard for Responsible Mining and the Responsible Mining Map is scheduled for 28 June 2018. This page includes draft social media content for Steering Committee members with organizational social media channels. We encourage you to post to Facebook and tweet in advance of the launch to build up interest; to announce the launch on 28 June, and over the weeks following the launch.
Resource Media has developed this social media toolkit with downloadable sample social media content, including draft tweets, for Steering Committee members with organizational social media channels to help amplify the launch of the Standard and the Map.
Please modify the tweets as you see fit to align with the voice of your organization. We encourage you to attach one of the ready-to-go social media images below with your tweets. (Drag the image to your desktop or right-click on the image, save it to your desktop or smartphone and upload it to your tweet.)
In advance of the 28 June release
- X days to go before the launch of the Standard for #Responsiblemining. Learn more: #miningstandard
- X days before the release of the Responsible Mining Map and groundbreaking #miningstandard.
- We are prepping for the 28 June launch of the Standard for #ResponsibleMining – 10 years in the making! #miningstandard
We encourage you to post these several days in a row, countdown-style, just changing the # of days left before the release.
28 June, the day of the launch
- Proud to participate in the launch of the #miningstandard today! A big step for #ResponsibleMining worldwide that adds value for our partners and customers. Learn more
- 10 years of hard work and collaboration result in the newly released Standard for #ResponsibleMining today! Working for communities, companies and customers.
- Today’s launch day for the new Standard for #ResponsibleMining that benefits communities, companies and customers worldwide. #miningstandard
After the launch
- We’re working for shared solutions, and are reshaping the future of mining with the new Standard for #ResponsibleMining: #miningstandard
- Stewardship, jobs, rights, transparency. It’s all in the new Standard for #ResponsibleMining. Your thoughts?
- International certification for mine sites? Yes, it’s here! Check out the history-making Standard for Responsible Mining:
Responsible mining map tweets on 28 June and beyond
- There’s a map for that: along with the launch of the Standard for#ResponsibleMining is a brand-new map for navigating progress #miningstandard #supplychain
- Now we know: the new #ResponsibleMining map shows who wants responsible mining around the world #miningstandard
Social media graphics for Twitter
(Graphics can also be accessed via Dropbox, here.)

Additional hashtags
We encourage you to use additional hashtags in various tweets as appropriate for your audience. Using them will ensure greater engagement.
- #mining
- #extractives
- #CSR
- #ESG
- #transparency
- #supplychange
- #procurement
- #globaldev
- #sharedvalue
- #SRI
- #triplebottomline
We encourage you to attach one of the ready-to-go social media images below with your post. (Drag the image to your desktop or right-click on the image, save it to your desktop or smartphone and upload it to your post.)
In advance of the 28 June release
- On 28 June the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance will launch the Standard for Responsible Mining. We’re proud of our work on the Steering Committee of this certification program that works for communities, companies and customers. Join us as we work together to shape the future of mining.
28 June, the day of the launch
- After 10 years of hard work, the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) is launching the Standard for Responsible Mining today. Our work on the Steering Committee reflects our commitment to ensure the Standard is good for communities, companies and customers.
After the launch
- We’ve forged unique partnership between social change groups and business leaders to create a trusted way to certify best practices at mines around the world, the Standard for Responsible Mining. XX (your brand) is helping shape the future of mining today in ways that work for communities, companies and customers. Join us!
Responsible Mining Map
- There’s a map for that: along with the much-anticipated launch of the Standard for Responsible Mining comes a map of responsible mining sites worldwide. Explore and let us know what you think.
- Now we know: a responsible mining map shows the market interest for mining done right worldwide. We hope to see many sites added as more companies participate in the groundbreaking Standard for Responsible Mining certification program.
Social media graphics for Facebook
(Graphics can also be accessed via Dropbox, here.)