Washington’s Water Quality Standards

Washington’s Water Quality Standards

Day of Action Toolkit

For Wednesday, August 29, 2018

If your organization cannot participate that day, then we still encourage you to find a different date that week to participate!

Purpose of this toolkit

The purpose of this first Day of Action is to stop the Trump Administration from rolling back toxics rules. Industry has asked EPA to reconsider Washington’s state water quality standards for toxic chemicals, recently updated to reflect best available science and public health. We will use our collective voice to ask our elected officials to send a clear message to the EPA that weakening our water quality standards by loosening limits on toxics for safe fish consumption will have devastating effects on our clean water and the health of our people. By having multiple organizations take action on the same day, we can amplify our voices.

How your organization can participate

Share social media posts on your organizational Facebook, Twitter and other social channels. Simply copy and paste the suggested social media posts and visuals below, or develop your own customized posts to share out the content, using the #cleanwaterforall hashtag.

Social media

That phone in your hand is a mighty advocacy tool that can activate friends and supporters, and alert policymakers that people care about this issue. Our Administration, Senators and Representatives and their staff are active on social media – Facebook and Twitter, in particular. Their staff also monitor how their boss is being talked to and about online and they will respond or make a note of your online comments and asks when they include their boss’ handle.

What you can do:

Copy and paste this text for social media posts on Facebook and Twitter and upload the visuals provided in the links below to boost visibility online. Use the #CleanWaterForAll hashtag and call out your elected officials by using their handle (E.g., use “@pattymurray” instead of “Patty Murray”).

  • @ELECTEDOFFICIAL Stand up to big industry and help protect the water we all depend on in WA State! Join us in the fight for #cleanwater and tell @EPA to stand up and protect Washington’s water quality standards.
  • We eat fish and so do orca. Is now the time to loosen EPA rules to make it easier to pollute water and wildlife? Orca mamas would say no. @EPA @ELECTEDOFFICIAL protect #cleanwaterforall!
  • Do you eat fish? Right now industry is fighting to make it easier for them to pollute our #PugetSound waters. Join us to fight @EPA rollbacks to protect the fish and seafood that is a part of our heritage. @ELECTEDOFFICIAL protect #cleanwaterforall!

Photos for posting (Right click on the image to save it to your phone or desktop, otherwise click here.)


List of electeds to mention:

  • @senatorcantwell
  • @pattymurray
  • @davereichert
  • @herrerabeutler
  • @RepDerekKilmer
  • @RepDennyHeck
  • @RepAdamSmith
  • @RepJayapal
  • @cathymcmorris
  • @RepNewhouse
  • @RepRickLarsen
  • @RepDelBene

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