Vector: SVG, EPS, AI
Web (Lo-Res RGB): PNG (1600px), PNG (800px), JPG (1600px), JPG (800px)
Print (Hi-Res CMYK): PSD (scalable), TIFF (11in)
Alternates: Grayscale (EPS), White with Transparency (EPS)
Social media: Square, Stacked
Spacing: The minimum amount of space surrounding the logo should be no less than the em height of the Resource Media logotype.
Background: White is the standard background color for the logo. The light tan from the palette below may also be used if white is not possible.
Placing the logo on dark or photo backgrounds is not recommended.
Grayscale and White logos have been provided as alternates to use when necessary.
0 / 78 / 91 / 0
0 / 63 / 80 / 0
46 / 43 / 49 / 8
69 / 58 / 59 / 44
76 / 4 / 41 / 0
5 / 5 / 6 / 0
The following styles are available for use in the WordPress text editor:
Swift Neue Regular: 30px (42px line-height), #f1613f
Avenir Next Bold: 24px (33.6px line-height), #404444
Avenir Next Bold: 20px (28px line-height), #404444
Avenir Next Bold: 17px (23.8px line-height), #f58648
Avenir Next Bold: 15px (23.8px line-height), #404444
PARAGRAPH: Nullam dapibus, justo a maximus congue, risus nunc dapibus tortor, commodo accumsan neque mi nec eros. Fusce vulputate, justo porta ultrices ultricies, est justo fringilla nulla, a varius mi orci nec justo. Nam convallis consequat imperdiet.
Avenir Next Regular: 17px (28px line-height)
Blockquote: Nullam dapibus, justo a maximus congue, risus nunc dapibus tortor, commodo accumsan neque mi nec eros.
Swift Neue Regular: 26px (38px line-height), #f45d2f
While headers H2-H6 are all styled and available for use, the amount of headers used should be kept to a minimum. The following headers are recommended for primary use:
H2: Use at the top of the page as an opening statement. Ideally this style is used once per article, and only at the beginning.
H4: Use as your standard subhead throughout the article to label sections.
H6: Use as a sub-subhead if hierarchy is needed below the subhead.
Blockquote: Use sparingly in-between paragraphs to highlight 1-2 sentence quotes.
Letterhead: DOCX (62kb)
Powerpoint Template: PPT (19.6mb)
Word Template: DOCX (3mb)