Embedding visual platforms and more

Adobe Spark example

Link to report: https://spark.adobe.com/page/jOhjYbd0nOVMv/


  • Easy to use
  • Full-bleed images
  • Visually-forward
  • Allows for embedding videos from YouTube, Spark Video or Vimeo
  • Allows for embedding and ability to view on your own webpage (this is a new feature, you would also want to include a link for folks to click and see the full report)
  • Ability to track with google analytics
  • If you sign up for a pro account, you gain access to their web, video and design platforms for future projects/needs
  • Low level of effort for design and layout

The example above is from a few years ago that RM did for a client, and since then, there have been improvements to layout options and the ability to incorporate your branding. You can get a feel for them through examples provided by the platform, here and here.


  • Doesn’t allow for a vanity URL (but you can create that with Bitly or do a redirect as we discussed on Friday).
  • Unable to embed audio recordings from Soundcloud, can only create a button with a link.

Pricing: To subscribe to the platform and set up a pro account, you can check out the pricing here.

Storymap example


  • Visually appealing and more dynamic as scrolling web pages go
  • Ability to incorporate data points and build-out maps linked to stories
  • Lots of templates or ways to build-out compelling stories
  • Ability to track with google analytics
  • Can embed videos and audio tracks right to the platform


  • No vanity URL
  • Higher level of effort when it comes to builds
  • Some stories appear to be embeddable on the webpage while the others are not (links to both examples are here and here)

Pricing: https://www.esri.com/en-us/arcgis/products/user-types/buy

Medium example

LINKS: https://medium.com/voices-for-clean-water;  https://medium.com/chicken-farming-on-the-eastern-shore and https://medium.com/names-behind-the-numbers-wisconsin/kim-griffin-solar-site-assessor-255d71450ee1


  • Can create mini webpages for free, no web hosting needed
  • Can create multiple stories that live under the same umbrella publication or campaign (not just a long scrolling webpage)
  • Content is easily tweetable and interactive
  • Can create visually compelling stories with the template layout
  • Ability to embed videos (e.g. Vimeo, Youtube and others) and audio recordings (e.g. Soundcloud)
  • Low level of effort in build and design of stories


  • Unable to embed onto other websites, would have to create a link or a clickable image
  • Must establish a user account and then create a publication account
  • Templates can be limited in how images or text are arranged, less control of branding

Pricing: For a membership account, it’s $50 per year.