Talking Turkey About Climate Change

July 31, 2012

Bringing the impacts of climate change home to people across America is not always easy, particularly when those people have something else on their mind – like food. Resource Media found an illustrative way to attract great media attention around climate impacts during Thanksgiving week, usually a challenging week for media coverage of any sort.


  • Conceived, produced and distributed a Thanksgiving infographic to illustrate the impact of 2011 extreme weather events on Thanksgiving foods.
  • Designed the infographic to be both attractive to traditional and online media and easily “shareable” to facilitate distribution through social media channels.
  • Shared the infographic with a variety of organizations working on climate change issues, for use on their own websites and blog posts.
  • Promoted the infographic to reporters, bloggers and social media sites focused on food, weather or climate change.


The coverage surpassed expectations, both in the media and on social networking sites. It was picked up by The Weather Channel, Forbes, Huffington Post, Grist and many other online sites. This simple but effective visual tool also prompted Grist to host a live tweeting session on the subject with their food writer.