Our People

Liz Banse
Senior Program Director
You were born with two ears and only one mouth for a reason: to listen more than you talk.
Seattle, Washington


A veteran of Resource Media's Seattle office since 1999, Liz has orchestrated communications strategy and media outreach on policy and consumer campaigns on issues ranging from focusing media attention on resource extraction impacts on indigenous communities to training UNESCO’s Marine World Heritage program site managers on how to brand and market their world-class jewels of the ocean. Her practice areas span all aspects of communications planning, traditional and online media strategy and outreach, visual communications, opinion research, message development, branding, materials development and production, presentation skills and other communications trainings, organizational marketing and crisis communications. Liz is the author of Seeing is Believing: A Guide to Visual Storytelling Best Practices and manages Visual Story Lab, a Resource Media website focused on sharing cutting edge approaches for issue-oriented visual storytelling.

Highlights & Background

Liz has conducted dozens of trainings for NGO staff in the U.S. and internationally on storytelling, public speaking, message development and other communications skills, with a focus on visual storytelling for the digital age. A highlight was working with leaders from the Open Society Foundation’s Mental Health Initiative in a week-long intensive course on developing visual stories to change public perceptions of people with intellectual disabilities. Liz was also an adjunct faculty member in the University of Washington’s Department of Communications, teaching a master’s level course in visual communications. Prior to joining Resource Media, Liz worked as a Senior Account Executive at the public relations firm, MWW/Savitt, working on accounts including Starbucks and the (former - sniff) Seattle Supersonics. Liz serves on the board of KNKX-FM, an independent public radio station in the Puget Sound region and member of National Public Radio.